
Medical Supplies List is perfectly classified, listed and user friendly website to identify Medical Supplies and Equipment from all parts of the World to United States.

In just a glance, comparison of Medical products can be done across all leading B2C eCommerce websites in US.

Here, you can find the Listing of B2C eCommerce websites, Manufacturers of Medical Supplies, Suppliers of Medical equipment, B2B sellers of Medical Supplies, Importers and Exporters of Medical Supplies and Exhaustive list of required Medical Supplies for different verticals.

US Health Care System:

United States is one of the few countries which provide best quality health care to citizens. According to 2013 data, 64% of US Health spending was paid by the Government itself.

Most US citizens are either covered by Government insurance schemes or Private insurance of the family’s member. Some of the Government schemes are Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program and Veterans Health Administration.

US has life expectancy of 78.54 years in 2020, which is the result of its established health care system.

Online Medical Supplies in US:

Almost one sixth of the US population is not covered by Health insurance. Earlier, only those people who do not claim medical insurance benefits were previously ordering Medical supplies online.

Medical insurance companies have introduced cashless online purchase of Health supplies for their customers. So insurance benefits are available for purchase of Medical supplies across the e-commerce websites.

Certain health supplies are not covered under insurance schemes. There are certain e-commerce websites selling specifically those supplies that are not reimbursed by the insurance companies.

Except some basic Medical consumables, most of the health equipment and supplies need Doctor prescription. Medical professionals have started providing online prescription to assist the patients. The online medical supplies market has seen recent tremendous grown in US due to the online prescription facility available from Doctors.