Philips DreamMapper App User Guide

Sleep Screen
When the user first log on to DreamMapper, the “Sleep” screen is displayed and it defaults to the current date.

Data is presented in one of three categories: AHI, Usage, and Mask Fit.

Usage is the default category. The graph below shows the values for the selected category for a 7-day period including the displayed day. The graph highlights the currently-selected day on the graph in dark blue.

Changing the Date: Tap the chevrons

To go backward or forward in time, tap the chevrons (“<”, “>”) located beside the date. As you change the date, the highlighted bar in the graph and the details at the bottom of the screen reflects the selected date.

Changing the Date: Interacting with the graph
The graph responds to your touch, so that you can easily see your data for a different day or even a different week.

When a specific day of the graph is tapped, the focus of the currently selected Category will change to the tapped day.

Swipe left-to-right on the graph to see the preceding week, or right-to-left to see the following week.
The displayed date range confirms the new time period that’s being presented by the graph.

Changing Data Categories

To change the category and graph: Tap the desired category
The selected Category will always be in bold, and the default is Usage. To view your AHI or Mask Fit information for a different category tap on the label or value for the category. The pointer at the top of the graph section confirms your selection.

To see Additional Details for the Day and Category
The bottom portion of the Sleep screen shows additional details pertaining to the Category you currently have selected in context of that day.

Other Menu Choices

To navigate to the other menu items tap the menu icon 

To see the Menu in the mobile apps tap the icon located in the top-left corner of the screen. When tapped, a menu appears revealing other areas of the application: Feed, Learn, Goals, Coaching, Reminders, Settings, and Help.

Feed Screen
The Feed section displays notifications that have been sent to your account: Reminders, Alerts, and Recommendations. All are ordered by date.

Learn Screen
The Learn section contains links to other helpful information related to Sleep apnea, Equipment Usage, and Troubleshooting.

Apnea tab
This page contains links to several videos addressing the causes and treatment of sleep apnea.

Equipment tab
This page contains links to videos and online guides related to the use of therapy equipment and DreamMapper.

Troubleshooting tab
This page contains links to videos on the subjects of Mask Issues, Device Pressure, Equipment Issues, and Side Effects.

Goals Screen
The Goals screen displays several categories of monthly and personal goals:

  • Days with 4+ hours of use in a month
  • Consecutive days with use
  • Consecutive days with 4+ hours of use

Tap on the “>” symbol to the right of each category to view its definition and to set your personal goals.

Coaching Screen
This section contains links to mini-questionnaires and videos pertaining to Motivation, Heart Risk, and
your Feelings about sleep apnea and sleep therapy.
Tap on the “>” symbol to the right of a topic to view its mini-questionnaire or video.

Reminders Screen
The Reminders screen is where you set the time intervals at which you will be reminded to clean your mask, humidifier, tubing, and device filters. You can also schedule follow-up reminders. The reminders you schedule here will appear on the Feed screen.
To “turn on” a reminder, tap and slide its button. The button changes to this:
Next, select a time interval for the reminder from its drop-down list:
For the Follow-up Reminder, select or enter a date in the space provided.

Settings Screen
The Settings section contains information related to your Account, Preferences, Mask, and Data Connections.

Account tab
From here you can change your Username or Password, or any of the account information by tapping on them. You can also log out of DreamMapper.

Equipment tab
The options in this section allow you to identify your mask, therapy device, and if you want to use Bluetooth communications. You can assign up to two therapy devices. To assign a device, tap on the “>” symbol adjacent to the Serial Number. You can tap the Scan button and use your phone to scan the serial number barcode on the device or you can manually enter the serial number as shown on the device. When finished, tap Save. The device Model name appears on the screen. You can then tap and slide the button if you want to connect your phone to the device using a Bluetooth connection.

Contact Preferences tab
Use the options in this section to specify how DreamMapper should contact you with important
information about your therapy data.

Help Screen
The Help section contains general information about DreamMapper, terminology definitions regarding sleep apnea and sleep therapy, and Philips contact information.

FAQ tab
Some of this information may be new or unfamiliar to you. In the FAQ section you will find definitions for all the fields displayed within DreamMapper.

Support tab
If you still have difficulty using DreamMapper, use the contact information displayed here for help. We want you to love DreamMapper as much as we do.

About tab
This section provides DreamMapper’s Intended Use, applicable Cautions, Warnings, symbol definitions, Password Policy, and Philips contact information.

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